Monday, September 25, 2017

Tableau Conference is 2 weeks away and I am getting ready

I got my schedule set for TC which is now just around the corner.  I will be working as a Schedule Scout, helping folks that attend get their schedules created.  Seems like a great way to get a conversation started face to face with our customers.

For TC last year, I had the same goal of talking directly with customers.  I looked around at all the jobs we can do - at TC, ALL the jobs are performed by Tableau employees - and figured that working at the logo store would be ideal.  My thought was that I would meet a large number of customers, and I did!  The only downside was that the store was very busy and I did not have much time to interact with everyone.

This year it looks like I will get a chance to work 1:1 with people and I am looking forward to it.  I hope to meet you in Vegas!

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Working with code coverage this week

I've been working on code coverage a bit this week.  Our team uses Bullseye for gathering information and while it has its good and bad points, overall it is fairly easy to use manually. 

More specifically, I have been trying to identify files that have no automated coverage at all.  This would mean that this file could, in theory, not even exist, and we would not know.  The reality is that Tableau would not be able to be built, but not having any automated coverage is a poor state to be in.

And this is where I hit my first snag.  We have several different types of automation we run each day.  Unit tests is an obvious starting point, and there are also end to end (integration) tests.  Code coverage numbers for those are easy enough to gather and to merge together.

We also run other types of tests like security tests and performance tests.  Getting numbers from something like a performance test is tricky.  Since we are trying to measure accurate performance, we don't want to also slow down the system by trying to monitor which lines of code are being hit or missed.  On the other hand, the code being hit should be the exact same code the other tests already cover - in other words, we should not have special code that only runs when we try to measure performance.  It's hard to validate that assumption when we specifically don't want to measure code coverage for half of the equation.

In any event, we do have a few files with low coverage, and we are working to ensure that code has adequate automated tests on it moving forward.  More on this - what adequate means in this context - coming up.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

Friday, September 8, 2017

How I learned Tableau

Way back when I came to Tableau, I needed to ramp up on how Tableau works.  While I like to think I understand much of the math behind the scenes, I still needed to figure out the UI, connecting to data sources and mapping and functionality like that which Tableau provides.

One of my buddies from way back was talking with me earlier this week and had the same dilemma I faced: how to learn Tableau relatively quickly.

When I started, I bought the Offical Tableau 9 book by George Peck.  Great book - it starts with the basics and builds from there.  It's about 2 years out of data at this point (there is a 10.0 book available now), but I still use it from time to time to refresh my memory.

But books only go so far, and I really learn best with hands on work.  I found a "20 days to learn Tableau" chart that I also used.  It really resonated with me - it had videos to watch, whitepapers to read (I actually found a typo in one of the papers, reported it to the author here at Tableau, and it got fixed) and activities to complete.  I recommended it to my friend and I hope he gets as much out of it as I have.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,