Monday, November 20, 2017

Updating some data about our data for our team

One of the techniques we use to develop new features (which I cannot talk about) is wrapping the new code behind what we call a Feature Flag.  A feature flag is just a variable that we set OFF while we are working on features to keep that code from running until we are ready to turn it ON.  This is relatively basic engineering and there really is not anything special about it.

As a related note, many Windows applications use a registry key to turn features on or off.  We use a text file here with other data about the flag stored in it. For example, we not only store the name of the flag, but the name of the team that owns it, a short description of what it is for and when we expect to be done.

In some cases, those dates can be wrong or the name of the flag needs to be changed to make its purpose more clear.  For instance, imagine this contrived example. A flag named "tooltip" is not all that useful, but a flag named "ShowAdvancedAnalyticsTooltipsForTheWebClients" is a bit more explanatory.  And if work finishes early or lags behind estimated dates, those dates can change as well.

So this week I expect to update these values (metadata) for our flags.  This is very low priority work but with US holidays approaching, now seems like the best time to get this knocked off the to do list.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

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