Monday, September 12, 2016

Software Testing is not insurance. It is defensive driving

Let's take a break from diving into rounding errors and take a larger scoped view of the testing role.  After all, computing a basic statistic - such as the average - of a set of numbers is a well understood problem in the statistical world.  How much value can testers add to this operation?  Fair question.  Let me try to answer it with an analogy.

I used to repeat the mantra I heard from many engineers in the software world that "testing is insurance."  This lead to the question ," How much insurance do you want or need for your project?" and that lead to discussions about the relative amount of funding a test organization should have.  The logic was that if your project as a million dollar project, you would want to devote some percentage of that million into testing as insurance that the project would succeed. 

The first analogy I want to draw is that insurance is a not a guarantee - or even influencer - of success.  Just because I have car insurance does not mean I won't get into a wreck.  Likewise, buying vacation insurance does not guarantee the weather will allow my flight to travel to the destination.  Insurance only helps when things go wrong.  The software engineering world has a process for that circumstance called "Root Cause Analysis."  I'll go over that later, but for now, think of it as the inspection team looking at the wreck trying to figure out what happened to cause the crash.

That leads me to my second analogy:  Testing is like defensive driving.  Defensive driving does not prevent the possibility of a crash.  Instead, it lessens the chance that you will get into an accident.  Hard stats are difficult to find, but most insurance companies in the USA will give you a 10% reduction in your premiums if you take such a class.  Other estimate range to up to a 50% decrease in the likelihood of a wreck, so I will use any number you want between 10% and 50%.

How those results are achieved are by teaching drivers to focus on the entire transportation system around them.  It is pretty easy to get locked into only looking in one direction and then being surprised by events that happen in another are (see where this analogy is going?).  If I am concentrating on the road directly in front of me, I may not notice a group of high speed drivers coming up behind me until it is they are very close.  Likewise, if I am only concentrated on accurate computing an average, I may not notice that my code is not performant and may not work on a server that is in use by many people.  In both cases, having a wider view will make my driving - or code development - much smoother.

More on this coming up.

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

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