Friday, June 1, 2018

Distracted by some fun math

For many reasons, I have spent a greater amount of time this week simply building code over (and over) again.  While the code is building, I use that time to get caught up on email, online conversations, documentation and so on.

This week I was catching up on RSS feeds and stumbled on this site:  I have spent just enough time there to convince myself the proof is true (heh) and to be impressed by the fellow - Christian Lawson-Perfect -  that built the site.  It was hard to tear myself away, but testing calls…

I never knew that every number greater than one could be expressed as the sum of three palindromes.  A high level view is here.  And thanks to Evelyn Jamb for pointing me to this

On that final note, I subscribed to Evelyn's email against my better judgment.  Normally, email newsletters get bloated, multiply, and generally go off topic or get to the point that I otherwise unsubscribe.  Evelyn's tiny letter has not gone off course - I am glad I subscribed.  If you want to give it a shot, please do!

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

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