Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Stepping back to look at a partner team here at Tableau

One of the teams at Tableau is called the Extensions team internally.  They are releasing a new feature to connect data to Tableau and are in the 2018.2 Beta 2 release of Tableau.

I listened to their online training on this and they admitted to a bug they had with their original beta release.

The original manifest XML we posted on github for our fiirst beta had a typo in it. 
Check out this one line:
<manifest xmlns="" manifest-version="0.1">

Do you see the typo?  There are 4 ws in the url.

It should have been
<manifest xmlns="" manifest-version="0.1">

When troubleshooting, this was pretty easy to find (but embarrassing).  It is also easy to fix - just delete that extra w.  And anyone writing code to use extensions could presumably make that fix as well for the beta releases.  Clearly, we are fixing this for final release.

I appreciate this bug, though, since it is a great example of the need to be meticulous with checking text.  That file is not that large, but reading XML can be tedious and typos can creep in.  It is also an example of NOT changing strings right before you release a piece of software. 

Anyway, I thought I would share this bug and fix.  Extensions are pretty terrific - check them out if you have a preview account at

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,

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